ClearCryptos Analytics – or CCA, is a web app and ecosystem for experienced and active traders who need more tools to navigate the decentralized markets and evaluate token prices. CCA also offers data analysis tools which help traders easily explore decentralized networks.

Main features
By integrating blockchain data into one unified UI, CCA offers you a comprehensive view of the current state of the cryptomarket.
Pool explorer
You can track liquidity movements and the formation of new pools on decentralized exchanges.
Pair explorer
You can check the charts and transactions of a token in addition to the trust and metrics of a project.
Wallet information
You can track and follow the wallets of your favorite traders.
Big Swap explorer
You can track and analyze big transactions.
Review top pairs per any supported exchange in multi-mode views.
Correlation View
Look at the relationship between the movement of different assets.
and more to come...
Live New Pairs View
This view allows you to browse trading pairs across all decentralized exchanges. You have the ability to review the pairs in table or card view modes.

Review top pairs per any supported exchange in multi-mode views. When you need to see all pairs per exchange you need to click on See All.
Pair Explorer
This is a 360 view on concrete pairs. If you are looking for the charts and tokenomics of a specific token, you may enter in the name of the token or the contract address in the search bar.

Correlations View
Chart candles aren’t the only way to look at markets. In addition to Pair Explorer View, you can use the Correlations Matrix tool.
The correlation matrix allows you to look at the relationship between the movement of different assets. Do they all really go up the same amount at the same time? Now you have proof they don’t, and you can use this information to your own benefit. The amount of information this provides is only limited by your own interpretation! Currently, the Correlations page employs the widely used Pearson Correlation Coefficient method of measuring these relationships.
Big Swaps
This functionality is responsible for providing an overview of the latest big swaps in Ethereum, with useful information. You will see more information about the buy and sell orders, including wallet addresses and amounts of tokens bought and sold. The following table shows every transaction made for this token, including the quantity and price.
The Analytics platform displays these transactions in real-time based on the blockchain. With some experience, you can use this tool to find out how much is sold or bought in big transactions. Here, you can also view your own transactions.

ClearCryptos Analytics is a web-app, price data analysis tool and ecosystem which offers information about all the decentralized markets. It helps traders navigate more easily and explore decentralized networks.
By integrating blockchain data into one unified UI, ClearCryptos Analytics offers you a comprehensive view of the current state of the cryptomarket.
• You can track liquidity movements and the formation of new pools on decentralized exchanges with Pool Explorer.
• You can check the charts and transactions of a token in addition to the trust and metrics of a project with Pair Explorer.
• With Wallet Information, you can track and follow the wallets of your favorite traders.
• You can track big transactions with Big Swap Explorer.
• To improve trading response times, Multiswap opens up multiple DEX portals.
The list doesn’t end here, more features are in the works.
When you open the ClearCryptos Analytics application, the first you will see is the Dashboard. The Dashboard provides the convenient functionality for you to quickly see the following widgets:
• State of ETH and crypto markets – main KPIs related to blockchain.
• Socially Active – Top 12 trending coins on CoinGecko as searched by users in the last 24 hours (ordered by most-least popular).
Below the widgets, ClearCryptos Analytics provides a quick overview of the Active Pairs widget, which can be considered from different angles:
• Hot Pairs – list of pairs sorted by count of transactions.
• Biggest Gainers – list of pairs sorted by price gain.
• Biggest Losers – list of pairs sorted by price drop.
• Just Added – list of newly added pairs.
This view allows you to browse trading pairs across all decentralized exchanges. You then have the ability to review the pairs in table or card view modes.
With this widget, you can review the top pairs of any supported exchange in multi-mode views. When you needs to see all the pairs supported by an exchange, you need to click on See All.

This is a 360 view on a concrete pair. If you are looking for the charts and tokenomics of a specific token, you may enter in the name of the token or the contract address in the search bar. Make sure you use the correct name and address, as there are many fake and fraudulent tokens around.
The Pair Explorer page has helpful information about selected trading pairs and you can analyze the data in the following widgets:
• Price information
• Market Information
• Quick links
• Meta Information
• Trading history
Chart candles aren’t the only way to look at markets. In addition to Pair Explorer View, you can use the Correlations Matrix tool.
The Correlations Matrix allows you to look at the relationship between the movement of different assets. Do they all really go up the same amount at the same time? Now you have proof they don’t, and you can use this information as you decide, and not just on how to trade, but what to trade. The amount of information this provides is only limited by your own interpretation! Currently, the Correlations page employs the widely used Pearson Correlation Coefficient method of measuring these relationships.
This functionality is responsible for providing an overview of the latest big swaps in Ethereum with useful information. You will see more information about the buy and sell orders, including wallet addresses and amounts of tokens bought and sold. The following table shows every transaction made for this token, including the quantity and price.
ClearCryptos Analytics displays these transactions in real-time based on the blockchain. With some experience, you can use this tool to find out how much the big wallets are buying and selling. You can also view your own transactions here.